
MCB 419 javascript libraries

If needed for your MCB 419 assignment, you can include the libraries listed below by adding them to your html header like this:

<script src="https://mcb419.github.io/js/util.js"></script>

You need to add a separate line for each library that you want to include; just edit the filename (e.g., util.js), everything else stays the same.

Here are the libraries that you can choose from:

convnet.js - convolution neural networks

library for building and training deep neural nets by Andrej Karpathy
1d regression demo
Karpathy demos and docs

mplot.js - some simple matlab-like plotting capabilities

demo - general mplot functionality
demo - histogramming

The following are implemented

rand.js - a seedable random number generator

(NOTE: you won’t need rand.js if you’re using the P5 library, which has it’s own random number generator)

rand.js uses the LCG algorithm if the user specifies a seed, and uses Math.random() otherwise

demo - histogram random numbers

recurrent.js - recurrent neural networks

library for building and training recurrent neural nets (RNNs and LSTMs) by Andrej Karpathy

demos and documentation

sprintf.js - formatted output

javascript version of sprintf for generating formatted output


util.js - other useful utilities