
MCB 419 - HW04 - kinesis

due Tue Feb 12, 2019, 9:00 PM
email p5js project link to mcb419@gmail.com


This assignment explores different kinesis strategies. The goal is to understand how different stragegies influence the distribution of agents in a non-uniform environment.

The red/blue pattern below represents some physical parameter of the environment that varies across space. It could represent nutrient density, light intensity, temperature, pH, etc. For convenience, we will refer to it as temperature, and interpret the red regions as hot and the blue regions as cold. The maximum temperature is 1 and the minimum temperature is 0.

There will be 100 agents in the environment. If they are randomly distributed, we expect the mean temperature of the population to be about 0.5, averaged across all agents. If the agents tend to congregate in warmer regions, then the mean temperature of the population will be higher.

You will implement 3 different kinesis strategies: orthokinesisPos, orthokinesisNeg, and run-tumble



Features that have been provided for you:

Features that you need to implement:


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