
MCB 419 - HW03 - wandering

due Tue Feb 5, 2019, 9:00 PM
email p5js project link to mcb419@gmail.com


This assignment builds on last week’s homework in which a bot collected food pellets as it moved in a circular path. This week you will replace the circular movement with a wandering behavior. You will add boundary conditions so that the bot can’t move past the edges of the arena. The goal of the assignment is to determine how the amount of noise in the bot’s trajectory influences foraging efficiency. Foraging efficiency will be measured as the average amount of energy collected per unit time.



The arena size, pellet count, and most bot specs are the same as last week.

New features that have been added for you:

New features that you need to implement:



Saving your project will not save the data points on the graph. If you reload the simulation, your data points will be cleared.

– End of assignment –